2014(e)ko otsailaren 11(a), asteartea

NGO (non-governmental organization)



The Vicente Ferrer Foundation is an NGDO (non-governmental development organization) committed to the process of transforming the poores and most needy areas of Andhra Pradesh in southeast India.

They are focused on integrating development in that country, it is a humanist organization founded on the philosophy of action instead of simply ideology. Its team works, both from Spain and from India,
to improve the living conditions of some of the most discriminated communities with the Hindu caste system.

Vicente Ferrer, the founder of the foundation, was always very charitable. In 1952, arrives in Mumbai as a Jesuit missionary to complete their spiritual formation, and there remains his first contact with India. From then on, devote the rest of his life working to eradicate the suffering of the poorest in the country. In 1969, returns to India and settled in Anantapur (Andhra Pradesh), one of the poorest districts of the country to continue their fight for the

disadvantaged.That same year left the Society of Jesus and created, with whom he will be his future wife a few months later, Anne Perry Vicente Ferrer Foundation.In the Vicente Ferrer Foundation we work to improve the living conditions of the most disadvantaged groups in India and to make the Spanish population aware of the importance of this commitment of support.

In the Vicente Ferrer Foundation we work to improve the living conditions of the most disadvantaged groups in India and to make the Spanish population aware of the importance of this commitment of support. We work with education, how to be ecology, women's rights and with people with disabilities.

How can you help? Transforming India is in your hands. Choose how you would like to collaborate and take part in the change. You could donate some money easily on the internet or you could also help funding a project. Moreover traveling to Anantapur could be also a great idea to face the problem personally.

For more information here is the oficial web.



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