2014(e)ko otsailaren 11(a), asteartea


The term globalisation refers to proces ses of international integration arising from the interchange of world views, products, ideas, and other aspects of culture. It is often claimed that all this points are profits for future development. However,there are other who believe that it entails a great deal of drawbacks. Therefore, both cases need to be commented

On one hand as far as the advantages are concerned, it is true that there are more products available all over the world with less effort and work. Advances in transportation and telecomunication are clear and that is why one is capable of being in contact with another one on the other side of the world. We all are generating further interdependence of economic and cultural activities.

On the other hand there are notable disadvantages that should be underlined. Taking into acount that one of the aim of the globalisation is the idea of the companies producing worldwhile brands it affects a lot of local little industies. Moreover, a great deal of employees have to decide between going abroad to work or leaving their inhumane jobs.

In conclusion,  globalisation could look as a great development in our nowadays lives although looking toward more distant days of the future, the idea of preserving our local companies sound better. I suggest that we should try helping eachother. However, we cannot forget the other countries´ affairs. In fact we all life in this little planet, the Earth.

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