2014(e)ko martxoaren 26(a), asteazkena

Working with a NGO.

This term our aim is to win in a competition whose aim is to deal with current european situations. One of the task asked is to work with an NGO. Because of that, we have been searching and I think that it would be great to work with ¨Cáritas¨.
There is the map where it´s explained where you can find it in Donosti.

  In this video it´s explained what does Cáritas but to sum up with the slogan of live simply so others may simply live, they help needed people giving them money, clothe and so on.


Ad draft!

Our aim in this term is to make people be aware of the actual situation in Europe and try to offer boluntaring work. In order to succeed we have made this ad draft which is only a brief idea of what is going to be. The slogan is short but direct and the image shows that we have to do something to achieve a better world.

2014(e)ko martxoaren 6(a), osteguna


In this term we are working on the european crisis. It is known that nowadays economic situation in this continent is not really  good. Due to this crisis, some countries are achiving a lot of benefits whereas others suffer more day to day.  The ones which are suffering are called PIIGS. (Portugal, Italy, Ireland, Greece and Spain).
Moreover it is completely joined with the amount of unemployment in those countries. There are some pictures explaining it well as well as the whole presentation.




-Unemployment statistics

-Eurozone crisis